Press Releases

The Kashmir Dispute: Role of the International Community

  • 08 November 2007
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The Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, South and South East Asia Working Group presents this conference. [For Dr. Sazawal’s speech delivered at this conference, please click here].

Thursday November 8, 2007
George Mason University – Fairfax Campus
6:00 – 8:30 pm
Enterprise Hall Room 80 (across from the Johnson Center)
Dinner by Ravi Kabob

The Kashmir conflict is a human and ecological tragedy the international community has paid little attention to since its inception in 1947. Referred to as “paradise lost,” its people have lived amidst the fear of death, insecurity, helplessness and unceasing trauma.  The protracted conflict stands as a nuclear flashpoint between India and Pakistan and continues to engender violence in the valley, including summary executions, rape, and torture. The forum seeks to bring together key players, diaspora and scholars to generate a discussion on the potential peace-making role of the international community.

Dr. Ghulam Nabi Fai, President, Kashmir American Council
Dr. Vijay K.  Sazawal, International Coordinator, Indo-American Kashmir Forum
Mr. Muhammad Aslam Khan, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Pakistan
Ambassador John McDonald, Chairman, Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy
Mr. Frederic Grare, South Asia Scholar, Carnegie Endowment for Int’l Peace

Moderator: Professor Solon Simmons

Contacts: Saira Yamin, Maneshka Eliatamby Desilva