An Advocacy Organization Dedicated to the Protection of Human Rights of the Kashmiri Hindus (Pandit) Minority in the Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir.

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About IAKF

Our organization was formed in 1991, shortly after the rise of armed Islamic insurgency in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. Many Kashmiri Pandits were brutally killed by Islamic fundamentalists. The violence against women and children was exceptionally cruel. Terror struck in the hearts and minds of the peaceful community, resulting in the forced exodus of approximately 350,000 Pandits from their ancestral land. The internally displaced Pandits represent over 95% of their original total population in the valley.

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"Exodus from Kashmir, unprecedented migration into four corners of the world, and intermarriage with other communities compel us to look afresh at what constitutes a Kashmiri Pandit. In relatively recent history, going back 3 or 4 centuries, Kashmiri Pandits have been famous for their learning and administrative skills. But, if one goes even further, one finds that Kashmir was one of the great centers of culture anywhere in the world for about one thousand years until 1300 AD. Not only literature, but also art, architecture, painting, dance, music, philosophy and sciences were cultivated in Kashmir, and ideas from Kashmir influenced all of Asia. Kashmiris were devoted to excellence in a variety of fields. Kashmiriness is an attitude; it is commitment to integrity and truth, and it is connection to Kashmir's history and culture."

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