Press Releases

Presentation at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution

Thursday November 08, 2007

Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution Conference The Role of the International Community In Resolving the Kashmir Dispute" George Mason University, Virginia, USA. Presentation by Dr. Vijay K. Sazawal (see IAKF articles for presentation)

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IAKF Convenes Briefing on Kashmir in Capitol With India Caucus Support

Tuesday October 02, 2007

Summary of the Congressional Briefing organized by IAKF and convened by the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans, with its subset, the Kashmir Task Force.The Indo-American Kashmir Forum (IAKF) was active yet again in Washington D.C. on October 2, 2007, with a congressional briefing as well as a series of meetings discussing the Kashmir imbroglio and its effects on the minority Kashmiri Pandit community.

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IAKF Sponsors Visit of Kashmiri Politician to Washington D.C. Think Tank

Monday September 18, 2006

IAKF sponsored the visit of Capt. S.K. Tikoo (Retired) to Washington, D.C. for the first discussion in a series on Kashmir. A meeting with Tikoo and representatives of IAKF was also arranged with the Department of State, Office of International Religious Freedom.

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UNHRC Second Session Intervention by Dr. Vijay K. Sazawal

Monday September 18, 2006

Human Rights Council Second Session (18 September 2006 – 6 October 2006) Agenda Item 2: Special Rapporteur on Poverty. Intervention by Dr. Vijay K. Sazawal, courtesy of Interfaith International, c.p. 32, 1246 Corsier, Geneva, Switzerland,, special consultative status with ECOSOC.

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