Suggested Readings

Our Moon Has Blood Clots

  Rahul Pandita        01 January 2018

One of the Kashmiri Pandits personally affected by the terrorist events of 1990 narrates his story, and the story of hundreds of thousands of other Kashmiri Pandits who have been affected by more than 2 decades of violence and lack of security in their homeland. This memoir sheds a light on one of the darkest

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KASHMIR: Its Aborigines and Their Exodus

  Col. Tej K. Tikoo, PhD.        01 January 2012

This is an unparalleled book that captures the full history of the Kashmir Pandit race, from their early beginnings in the Vale of Kashmir up to their decades long modern dispersal throughout India and the rest of the world. No other author has so meticulously written their story, with references to ancient texts and modern

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Demystifying Kashmir

  Navnita Chadha Behera        01 January 2006

This book is an excellent resource for all scholars of Kashmir, both beginning and advanced. Behera has written before on Kashmir, but in this book goes into extensive, well-referenced detail of the origin and persistence of the Kashmir imbroglio. She covers details of not just the Vale of Kashmir, but all regions of the former

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Danger in Kashmir

  Josef Korbel        01 January 1954

This book by the head of the former U.N. commission on Kashmir (as well as Madeleine Albright’s father) details the early pre- and post-independence history of the South Asian subcontinent with regards to Kashmir. Korbel highlights key facts of the time that are as relevant to the Kashmir problem now as they were then.

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Wailing Shadows in Kashmir


The last chapter of Dr. Satish Ganjoo’s book on Kashmiri Pandits highlights the history of genocide against the Pandits over the past several centuries leading to their muliple exoduses from the Valley. This chapter 7 has been donated to IAKF and is available to read by clicking here.

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Shalimar the Clown

  Salman Rushdie

For a work of fiction, this book beautifully captures the life of an average Kashmiri, from pre-independence through the current age of terrorism. Salman Rushdie writes with his usual flare and creates a wildly fantastic story around a central character embedded in today’s terrorist struggle in the Valley. The book has been listed as one

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