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It is also a historic date involving Kashmiri Pandits and the Sikh religion. Three centuries ago, on the same day of November 24, 1675, Sikh Guru Teg Bahadur sacrificed his life to protect the rights of Kashmiri Pandits to follow their religion in Kashmir freely without interference and duress. Kashmiri Pandits today, as in 1675,
Read moreKASHMIRI PANDIT SANGARSH SAMITI, Sathu Barbar Shah, Srinagar Kashmir. “It is not the right time for return of Migrant Kashmiri Pandits. But it is a ripe time for the left out Kashmiri Pandits living in the Valley to choose migration with dignity.” Kashmiri Pandit Sangarsh Samiti (KPSS) is working for the last more than 3
Read moreBoston, Massachusetts Source: Indo-American Kashmir Forum (IAKF) For Immediate Release: Indo-American Kashmir Forum (www.iakf.org) commends US Senator Sherrod Brown from Ohio for taking up the Kashmiri Pandit cause with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. IAKF welcomes and supports Senator Brown’s contention that Kashmiri Pandit culture is at the verge of extinction and can prosper only
Read moreWashington, D.C. Source: Indo-American Kashmir Forum (IAKF) For Immediate Release: Indo-American Kashmir Forum (IAKF, www.iakf.org) paid homage to Kashmiri Pandit martyrs on the occasion of Balidan Divas. This is the day of somber remembrance for the Kashmiri Pandit minority; a day of infamy when Pakistani trained Islamic Jehadis began a period of ethnic cleansing in
Read moreHolding placards and banners, rival Kashmiri groups staged protests outside the United Nations on Friday afternoon during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's address to the plenary session of the UN General Assembly.
Read moreIndo-European Kashmir Forum and the Kashmiri Pandits in the UK paid homage to Kashmiri Hindu Martyrs on Sunday 14th September and observed it as the Balidan Divas.
Indo-European Kashmir Forum and the UK Kashmiri Pandits organized and attended a special Havan/Puja in the Midlands to pay homage to Kashmiri Hindu Martyrs on the occasion of Balidan Divas. Special prayers were offered for the brave and courageous Kashmiri Hindus who fought with dignity and pride and laid down their lives for their community.
Read moreCleveland, OH: On September 11, a fund raiser was held for the Martyrs of Amarnath Sangharsh. The fund raiser was organized under the auspices of Indo-American Kashmir Forum (IAKF). Dr. Hira Fotedar made a presentation entitled "From Amarnath Yatra to Homeland for Kashmiri Hindus". The attendees were the leaders of Hindu and Indian organizations in North East Ohio.
Read moreRoots In Kashmir (RIK) movement in India remembers the Wandhama massacre victims on World Refugee Day in New Delhi, India at Chinmaya Auditorium. The Wandhama massacre took place in January 2008 in which 24 helpless Kashmiri Pandit men, women, and children were gunned down in a cowardly act by Islamic terrorists. The poems below were written by Kashmiri Pandits to remember this day.
Read moreA 2-day International Conference on Gilgit-Baltistan concluded on 9th April 2008 in the European Parliament under the auspices of International KashmirAlliance (IKA).
Read moreThe Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, South and South East Asia Working Group presents this conference. [For Dr. Sazawal's speech delivered at this conference, please click here].
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