Press Releases

IAKF congratulates BJP and Mr. Narendra Modi on their historic win in Indian elections.

  • 17 May 2014
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The Board of the Indo-American Kashmir Forum (IAKF) held a meeting to discuss the outcome of the extraordinary Indian elections and its likely impact on US-India relations.
The Board noted with great satisfaction that the world’s largest democracy had provided its peoples – irrespective of their religion, linguistics, caste and creed – an opportunity to exercise their franchise equally, freely and openly. The result provided a landslide mandate for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and a personal triumph for the party’s designated prime-ministerial candidate, Mr. Narendra Modi. With a clear majority in the Parliament, BJP will be able to implement much needed economic reforms to rejuvenate the economy and create jobs for youth, and also implement effective policies to curb corruption, improve quality of governance and strengthen national security, including regarding political matters dealing with the insurgency-infested State of Jammu and Kashmir.
The IAKF Board congratulates BJP and Mr. Modi as they embark on reshaping the future of the 1.2 billion people of India.
The IAKF Board is also thankful to the U.S. President and several members of the U.S. Congress who have congratulated Mr. Modi via phone. The President must take many steps to improve the relationship with India in general, and with Mr. Modi in particular. Even though Mr. Modi will now receive a visa under the “A Category” if he were to travel to the U.S., the President must issue an Executive Order to annul the prior decision of the U.S. State Department that blacklisted Mr. Modi under dubious and unsubstantiated charges brought up by vested civil society elements within the U.S. and India. The charges against Mr. Modi have not been substantiated even though the incumbent Indian Government conducted multiple criminal investigations against Mr. Modi. The Supreme Court of India has also exonerated him from any wrong doing. This proves that such unsubstantiated charges were politically motivated, and all decisions taken by the U.S. State Department based on unproven charges must be retroactively withdrawn as a demonstration of a strong relationship between the U.S. Government and the new Indian Government.
IAKF Board of Directors