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After today’s Eid Namaz an armed mob of 20,000 Muslims marched toward Hindus & attacked them. Many Hindus were severely injured & some are critical. While this was happening, a mob attacked & burnt shops & housed owned by Hindus. Serious arson, looting & murders went on for long since the morning Namaz. Until afternoon there was no help from the Govt. Then came police but of no use. Many Hindu youth are in hospitals with bullet injuries in arms & abdomen. In the afternoon, the government sent the army there but with no orders to shoot at sight on the killers. The mob went on a rampage and even looted army weapons.
In 1990 similar violent tactics were followed by the Kashmiri Separatists’ killing and chasing away Hindus from Kashmir. Now they are doing the same on the border of Jammu in Kishtwad, Rajauri. It is the sole responsibility of the state & the Union Government to protect each Hindu in J&K.